help - v0.17.1

~/src/repo$ release help
   release - semantic release tools for GitLab

   release [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]


   A collection of utilities to help automate releases

   The recommended way to use global options is to assign value to the
   associated environment variables in Gitlab CI Variables. Please note
   that the ci-* options are automatically populated by Gitlab CI.

     next-version       Print next version
     changelog          Update changelog
     tag                Create tag and attach release note to HEAD
     commit-and-tag     Commit files and tag the new commit
     tag-and-commit     Tag HEAD and commit listed files
     add-download       Add download to releasenote
     add-download-link  Add download link to release note
     test-git           analyze git repository
     test-api           test connection to GitLab api
     help, h            Shows a list of commands or help for one command

   --token TOKEN, -t TOKEN  gitlab private TOKEN [$GITLAB_TOKEN, $GL_TOKEN]
   --gl-api value           gitlab api URL. If not defined infers from CI_PROJECT_URL.
                            If that fails too, uses [$GITLAB_URL, $GL_URL]
   --skip-ssl-verify           don't verify CA certificate on gitlab api
   --patch-commit-types value  comma separated list of commit message types that indicate patch bump
                               (default: "fix,refactor,perf,docs,style,test") [$GSG_PATCH_COMMIT_TYPES]
   --minor-commit-types value  comma separated list of commit message types that indicate minor bump
                               (default: "feat") [$GSG_MINOR_COMMIT_TYPES]
   --initial-development  set this to false when you're ready to release 1.0.0,
                          ignored if version is already >= 1.0.0 (default: true) [$GSG_INITIAL_DEVELOPMENT]
   --bump-patch  Force patch bump when when none of the commits would otherwise trigger a bump.
                 First lines of commits will be listed under 'Fixes' in changelog and release note.
                 If there are commits that trigger a bump, this flag is ignored. [$GSG_BUMP_PATCH]
   --release-branches value  Comma separated list of branch names. If release-branches is defined, normal
                             releases can be done from listed brances. Other brances will produce pre-release
                             versions. If release-brances is not defined or is empty string, all branches will
                             produce normal releases. WARNING: this is an experimental feature. [$GSG_RELEASE_BRANCHES]
   --ci-project-path value     gitlab CI environment variable [$CI_PROJECT_PATH]
   --ci-commit-sha value       gitlab CI environment variable [$CI_COMMIT_SHA]
   --ci-commit-tag value       gitlab CI environment variable [$CI_COMMIT_TAG]
   --ci-commit-ref-name value  gitlab CI environment variable [$CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME]
   --ci-project-url value      gitlab CI environment variable [$CI_PROJECT_URL]
   --help, -h                  show help
   --version, -v               print the version